Treating Trauma, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse
Fax: (800) 988-1650

Turning Point Counseling Services
Mission Statement
The mission of Turning Point Counseling Services is to provide high quality treatment to those suffering from Mental Illness and/or Addiction. We believe that a person is not the sum of his or her problems and that recovery is possible for everyone; that the Diseases of Mental Illness and Addiction impact the whole family; and that a person’s recovery from these illnesses improves the quality of life for his or her entire family and everyone they interact with socially and occupationally. Turning Point Counseling Services provides a community resource that helps to facilitate quality of life improvements for community members and families. Using an individualized approach that honors ones’ strengths and spirit, we provide a range of therapy and education experiences that move our clients toward wellness.

You can visit us at 315 5th Avenue in downtown Fairbanks. Our office is open from 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday. Times vary for clinicians.